Electric power is distributed in Martin by the Weakley
County Municipal Electric System. The power is purchased
from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and is delivered
to the Weakley County system through twelve substations. The
system has a total capacity of 220,000 kW and can be
delivered at voltages of up to 161 kV.
Electric power is also distributed in the rural areas of
Weakley County by the Weakley County Municipal Electric
System. |
The Tennessee Valley Authority
is the nation's largest wholesale electric power producer.
Through 158 municipal and cooperative power distributors,
TVA serves nearly eight million people in an 80,000 square
mile region across seven states, including most of Tennessee
and parts of Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Virginia, North
Carolina, and Georgia. TVA also sells power directly to some
large industrial and federal customers.
TVA's current generating capacity is approximately 30,000
megawatts. Electricity is produced through a combination of
coal-fired, hydroelectric, nuclear, and combustion turbine
plants. In fiscal year 1999, TVA sold 148 billion
kilowatt-hours of electricity -- more than enough power for
three cities the size of New York.
TVA is committed to maintaining competitive electric rates
for its customers. Electric rates in the TVA region are
among the lowest in the country. TVA is prepared to enter
the competitive marketplace as the electric utility industry
moves toward deregulation. Costs have been reduced,
productivity and efficiency have been improved, and the
range of services provided to customers has been expanded.
The TVA power system is completely self financing, imposing
no direct or indirect burden or liability on the Nation's
TVA is a wholesale supplier of electric power to the Weakley
County Municipal Electric System. TVA has been a leader in
implementing innovative pricing arrangements which have
lowered the price to eligible customers. These innovative
pricing arrangements decrease rates for commercial and
industrial customers. TVA's economic development field
offices provide direct and customized economic development
services with a goal of helping to create high-value jobs
and increasing the production of goods and services.
All of the West Tennessee
Industrial Association's service area is served from
locally-owned systems of distributors which purchase power
at wholesale from TVA.
Natural Gas
Natural gas is distributed in Martin by the City of Martin.
The system is supplied by Williams South Central through a
six inch, 800 P.S.I. supply line. There are two 26" and one
30" transmission lines maintained by Texas Gas Transmission
Corporation which are five miles west of the city. The
average heat content is 1040 BTU per cubic foot.
Coal is supplied in this area from West Kentucky and
Southern Illinois coal fields. Price is open to negotiation
depending on quantity. Fuel oil and diesel are available
from local distributors.
Martin secures its water from five deep wells (all 12").
Pumping capacity is 4,500 gallons per minute, with pressure
of 65 pounds in the mains at all times. There are two
100,000 gallon ground level storage reservoirs and six
overhead storage tanks with a combined capacity of 2,000,000
gallons. Current consumption is 1,512,000 gallons per day
(12 month average). The capacity of the city's treatment
plant is 6,300,000 gallons daily. Average temperature is 58
degrees to 61 degrees Fahrenheit. This water has 99% rating
on State purity tests.
Probably, the
most economical water supply for large users would be from
private wells. Ground water is available in this area from
wells at 175 to 650 feet. A conservative estimate by
drilling engineers indicates the underground supply at
25,000,000 gallons per day.
Sanitation and Sewerage
Martin's $5.26-million sewage treatment plant went into
operation in April, 1988. The plant is an oxidation
ditch-activated sludge, operating in an extended aeration
mode. The treatment plant has a capacity of 2.5-million
gallons per day and serves 100 percent of the city. Peak
capacity is 6.6 million gallons per day.
Martin's wastewater facilities are highly efficient and are
approved by the State Health Department.
Sanitary sewers are available to all sections of the city.
Last Modified 10/03/2013 19:36:04